Collecting Problem? Trilogy Wine Cellars are the Solution!

Maybe you think of yourself as a wine drinker and not a collector. But then you came across that great deal on your favorite Cab and bought a case. Then the wine store had a case deal on Rioja you couldn’t pass up. Before you knew it you had several cardboard boxes of wine stashed in the closet or the basement. Guess what? You are now a wine collector! And like all pursuers of great collecting hobbies, we tend to keep accumulating things (that is the goal, after all).

Collecting Problem? Trilogy Wine Cellars are the Solution!

So what do you do with your collection? Hmmm. Think of it this way: what if you had a collection of rare coins or stamps? You wouldn’t just leave them lying about in boxes, you’d keep them safe and secure. It’s the same with wine.  You’ve spent more money than you like to admit on wine so it’s time to invest in a quality wine refrigerated storage system.





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Crafty Beer Gift Ideas for Beer Lovers

Beer, much like wine, is a rapidly growing culture, as micro-breweries, craft beers, and homemade beer kits are cropping up all over.  This holiday season beer gifts were in top demand! Here some perfect ways to give those beer aficionados in your life something special for their passion. Or to hint at what you might be hoping to get for yourself.

Top Beer Gifts!


One excellent place to start is a beer making kit.  This set includes a 1 gallon beer fermenter, 3 piece chambered airlock, screw top stopper, thermometer, plastic tubing, tubing clamp, racking cane and sanitizer.


Homemade beer tastes great! When you brew using the same grain, hops, and yeast that craft breweries around the world use, you can make some really good beer — beer that’s as good if not better than what you’ll find in stores. When you make it at home, you know where it was made, and you have access to the freshest beer you’ll ever taste.



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Ever Dreamed of Your Own Winery? Start in Your Kitchen!

So you enjoy tasting and learning about different wines. Have you ever considered taking your hobby one step further and making your own wine? Don’t laugh, it’s easier than you think and you just might be surprised by the results.

 Personalized Mini Oak Wine Barrels

Think about it: the first wine wasn’t made in a commercial winery. It was made accidentally in someone’s home when some grapes meant to be eaten, were damaged or left sitting too long. With help from some natural yeast in the air, the process of fermentation began and the sugars in the grapes were converted to alcohol. Some adventuresome soul was brave enough to taste the fermented juice, liked it, and the rest is history.




Now, after thousands of years of refinements to the process, it’s easier than ever to make wine at home. Thanks to chemists and molecular biologists, yeast strains have been improved and better methods of sanitation help ensure you don’t end up with a bottle of something funky.


Better equipment is also readily available to the amateur vintner. This equipment is designed specifically for home use, so no need to purchase giant stainless steel tanks or full-sized oak barrels. You can, however, purchase personalized mini oak wine barrels that do the job just as well (not to mention look great on your counter!).


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